17:27 - 11/05/2021

Not all metals are the same


Just now·3 min read

It is known to be said and heard, but I want to analyze it!

Not all able people are able to do everything, just as you can’t get a Formula One pilot to drive an ocean liner or a ship captain to drive a jet… so you have to find a way, despite the fact that around us there are enough able people to give each metal the position it can hold!

Both of the above cases have to do with people with knowledge and talent… rare talent… but giving the wrong position to rare talent is only going to lead to failure! Not all metals can withstand the same pressures, no matter how rare.

You can take a piece of gold and put it in to stop a rush of alpha and despite the fact that it’s gold, it’ll melt. You have to put steel in there. Simple!

What are you talking about, man?

I’ll tell you that I’m making a statement for the future where my morality dictates that I inform you as much as I can about things that need to be in your consciousness…

So when you have tools, metal tools, what makes you competent, what will make you a fantastic tinkerer is to find the right places for those tools!

But again, the equations don’t exist based on your metal tools, they exist on their own and they can be so complex that you have to go into metal alchemy to find the right ones to put where you need them…!

So now you’re becoming both a good tinkerer and a good alchemist … where you will choose wisely where each one goes, by its quality, by its temperament, by its resistance to temperature, by its hardness, so that you can make the ground bend in front of you!

But there are times when the pressures of a conflict, of a war, of a phenomenon that for centuries has been fighting one against the other that even your alchemical new tools are not enough… not even the periodic tree of elements you can transmute to win! What do you do then? You give up? You declare defeat and don’t fight?

In war there are many strategies, there are entrances, bluffing, propaganda, the enemy’s misperception of you, surprise and many more that can cover your small shortfall in tools, weapons and metals!

So now you are both a masochist and an alchemist but also, necessarily, a liar, a hypocrite… one who can adopt new and necessary roles to bring victory!

Will you lie only to the enemy? Not necessarily, especially if you don’t know exactly who the enemy is and who may have contaminated your environment. Maybe if you want to bring them to the limit of their strength to stop a wave of attack, maybe if you want them to do a specific job of their own, but not to use their wrong attributes… But it’s all for the sole purpose of bringing victory.

So since we have learned that you can’t make eggs dance with stones but at the same time be a tinkerer and an alchemist and a liar … so that if necessary and absolutely necessary to tell even the eggs that they can rock with the pebbles … we understand a little bit the meaning of the real philosophy of war!

A war is never clean, never fair, never just, and if you have to give it up, you have to win at all costs.

I leave this article here for those who in Mellon will have the need to find out what is happening, what has changed, what has been done … or depending on the information there to be able to take a stand on the question that their consciousness will give them about specific individuals and situations !

Trust the plan of the Greeks and no one else!

God help me, get used to hearing it!



Θελεις να κανεις ενα δωρο στον εαυτο σου;

Δες την Κατηγορια με τα προιοντα μας
Σχετικά με Stranger
Μετά από την πρώτη πτώση στα 3 μου έτη από μια αντίκα κούνια της γιαγιάς δημιούργησα τα πρώτα μου κενά ! Στην πορεία ένα ατύχημα με ένα ποδήλατο, όπου σε μια κατηφόρα βουνού, συνάντησα ένα γέρικο πλάτανο με το κεφάλι,η συνάντηση αυτή με έφερε στην κατάσταση της μόνιμης Νιρβάνας που βρίσκομαι σημερα!Οι φίλοι μου μου λένε ότι κάπου κάπου ξυπνάω μέσα από τον λήθαργο μου και αρχίζω και γράφω ..η μιλάω σε ένα μικρόφωνο… δεν έχω καλους φίλους το γνωρίζω…από παιδί με κοροϊδεύουν!

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