16:48 - 11/05/2021

An unsolved problem you can solve it with a new problem


It’s a classic way to be able to protect your energy and let the chaos work to your advantage

If you can’t solve something you step back and deal with another problem and most of the time you magically, as those who don’t know would say, you end up having solved both problems..

Although it seems like a process of mind choice the above solution may be much more metaphysical and a natural phenomenon the way nature itself chooses to go about solving problems in general.

Today we all accept the huge problem of a deadly pandemic that some of us have understood that the essential pandemic is the political pandemic and all that this implies behind it… interest, new ways for the new world order and so on.

but whichever way you look at it, it is a problem that has choked us almost globally and does not seem to be solved any time soon but has a tendency to remain forever..

So such a reflection on the herd I think has the potential and energy to set in motion mechanisms of nature that will decide to solve the unsolved problem with a new problem..

In cases where nature undertakes to correct you can not say that the aftermath and the solutions that will come in the way of the new problem will be very mild or without any pain..

So I have the impression that we are approaching the moment when nature will take over…. I feel that today is particularly strange like a little guardian that decides to rest to change the balance..

I have been doing this for so many years showing you things you may not have been taught to perceive or see…..

If we enter the moment when nature will take over then we must know that natural phenomenon is even our consciousness….that is, nature can create things that are absolutely and clearly under its own jurisdiction…. But we still don’t know how many things we are united with her in…. How much we are united with the earth…how much nature itself can influence us in general even in our own thoughts.

We know, for example, that our heart is in permanent connection with nature, with its pulsations, with its vibration and that when this magical instrument begins its dissonances in world music, nature like a conductor begins to look…. When many such instruments magically show that for some reason they are out of tune from their original pitch then it is like calling the conductor to intervene to solve the pitch problem.

I couldn’t be clearer than the above… We are on the verge of the moment when the conductor angrily puts down his stick and walks into the orchestra to find out why his magical instruments are not vibrating in the right way…. And deciding that he will make them vibrate the right way by giving them a proper vibration to match..

Of course words and concepts are playful and sometimes you can write with a poetic license so that you can bring consciousness into the resonance you want it to understand at a deeper level what you are talking about..

Take care of your hearts, your magical organs that connect one to another but at the same time vibrate nature, matter and heal reality to keep them as clean as possible and away from the black imposition that is currently taking over our planet..



Θελεις να κανεις ενα δωρο στον εαυτο σου;

Δες την Κατηγορια με τα προιοντα μας
Σχετικά με Stranger
Μετά από την πρώτη πτώση στα 3 μου έτη από μια αντίκα κούνια της γιαγιάς δημιούργησα τα πρώτα μου κενά ! Στην πορεία ένα ατύχημα με ένα ποδήλατο, όπου σε μια κατηφόρα βουνού, συνάντησα ένα γέρικο πλάτανο με το κεφάλι,η συνάντηση αυτή με έφερε στην κατάσταση της μόνιμης Νιρβάνας που βρίσκομαι σημερα!Οι φίλοι μου μου λένε ότι κάπου κάπου ξυπνάω μέσα από τον λήθαργο μου και αρχίζω και γράφω ..η μιλάω σε ένα μικρόφωνο… δεν έχω καλους φίλους το γνωρίζω…από παιδί με κοροϊδεύουν!

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