19:27 - 02/06/2019

Με αυτοδυναμια σε ολους τους δημους η αποχη…! Αυτο ειναι το πατριωτικο μετωπο κυριοι …


Να περιμενετε μεγαλες εκπληξουλες με το “δημοκρατικο” συστημα και τους νομους του …στους περισσοτερους δημους ..!

Εχε και στο πισω μερος της κεφαλης σου το ποιοι μετρανε τους ψηφους …!

Αρα το ρητο πριν μια εβδομαδα ..ενα ακομα βημα πιο κοντα στο σωτηριο χαος ειναι κεντρικο συνθημα !

Πολυ πιο συντομα απο οσο νομιζετε ο Ελληνικος λαος θα θεσει το ερωτημα ..η εμεις οι αυτοι;..

Που πιο συντομα θα ερθει η αφυπνιση στο οτι δεν μας διαχωριζει τιποτα , ουτε χρωμα ουτε ταμπελα αλλα η μαχη ειναι ανθρωπος εναντιων νεας ταξης πραγματων…!

Δημιουργηστε το πεδιο μαχης λοιπον για να μπορεσουμε να κινηθουμε εκει που πρεπει και οπως πρεπει ..!

Νικητης ειναι παντα αυτος που δημιουργει τον στιβο μαχης …χανουμε μεχρι σημερα γιατι τις μαχες της η ανθρωποτητα της δινει σε λαθος στιβο με λαθος οπλα …τα δικα τους στημενα οπλα !

Βγες απο την μεγγενη της δηθεν δημοκρατιας τους και δες με ανοιχτα ματια και καρδια …καμια δημοκρατια δεν εχει το δικαιωμα να σου στερει ιστορια , περηφανεια ,χρονο και δικαιωματα ελευθεριας …!

Καμια δημοκρατια σε εναν ανεπτυγμενο πολιτισμο δεν μπορει να υιοθετει νομους και κανονες οπου ειναι απολυτα αδικοι προς το συνολο της ανθρωποτητας , κανεις πολιτισμος πραγματικος δεν θα μπορουσε να εχει ενα νομσιματικο συστημα οπου πρεπει να πεθανουν δυο παιδια για να ζησει ενας δυτικος , οπου τα εργοστασια ρουχων ειναι πετυχημενες επιχειρησεις μεσα απο τον χρονο εργασιας παιδιων κατω απο δεκα ετων , κανενας αληθινα δικαια ανθρωπος δεν θα πρεπει να υποστηριζει τον τροπο ζωης τους με αντιτιμο στην πιο πλουσια ηπειρο του κοσμου να πεθαινουν καθε μερα παιδια απο πεινα ,διψα και εμφυλιους πολεμους !

Ειναι απλα ξευτιλα σαν ανθρωπος να θεωρεις οτι η πολιτικη σου ευθυνη ειναι απλα η ψηφο σου για τα κοινα του δημου σου η τις εθνικες εκλογες σου οταν εσυ για να φορας παπουτσακι νομοτελειακα σκοτωνεις και ενα παιδι…!

Το προβλημα ειναι αυτο που σας λεω και οχι τα στημενα που σας παραμυθιαζουν οι ηγετες σας για να σας παρουν την ευθυνη και της εξουσια απο τα χερια σας….η ο ανθρωπος σηκωνεται σημερα κατα της νεας ταξης πραγματων η συνεχιζουμε ολοι μαζι να συμμετεχουμε σε αυτο το γελειο θεατρο … πραγματικα γελειο..!

Αισθανεσαι πολιτικο ον με αποψη ;..Ποιος σου την εδωσε αυτη την αποψη ; και με ποιο τροπο θα βοηθησει η αποψη σου και η ιδεολογια σου την ανθρωποτητα ;Οτι αλλο αναρωτηθειτε ειναι απλα μια ηλιθιοτητα μεσα σας φυτεμενη απο το ιδιο το συστημα ελεγχου της συνειδησης σας !!

Τωρα σκεφθειτε με ποιο γνωμανα ψηφισατε οσοι ψηφισατε τον επομενο δημαρχο του τοπου σας και τι σας εταξε αυτος ..και με την τοπικιστικη δηθεν ασφαλεια σας καντε υπομονη και η συγκομιδη ολων μας πλησιαζει !

Φτανει να φταρνιστει ενας κολοσσος του εξωτερικου και την δευτερα να μην εχεται να φατε ψωμακι…! Συνεχιστε λοιπον το καραγκιοζιλικη της “δημοκρατιας” τους …γινετε μικροι ηθοποιοι που θα πουν μα τι να κανω μονος μου !>…

Βαλε κατω στο τραπεζι το προβλημα πριν μας χτυπησει την πορτα και αναρωτησσου αν εχουμε τον χρονο να σηκωθουμε ορθιοι ..ειναι οι αυτοι και οι νομοι της νεας ταξης που μας σκλαβωνουν η η ελευθερια των ανθρωπων ..!

Συντομα τα στημενα θεατρα πανικου και ομιχλης στα νεα της πραγματικοτητας σας… Συντομα θα δεις τι σημαινουν ολα αυτα που τοσα χρονια σου γραφω και επρεπε να εχουν γινει κανονες και νομοι σου ..!


Θελεις να κανεις ενα δωρο στον εαυτο σου;

Δες την Κατηγορια με τα προιοντα μας
Σχετικά με Stranger
Μετά από την πρώτη πτώση στα 3 μου έτη από μια αντίκα κούνια της γιαγιάς δημιούργησα τα πρώτα μου κενά ! Στην πορεία ένα ατύχημα με ένα ποδήλατο, όπου σε μια κατηφόρα βουνού, συνάντησα ένα γέρικο πλάτανο με το κεφάλι,η συνάντηση αυτή με έφερε στην κατάσταση της μόνιμης Νιρβάνας που βρίσκομαι σημερα!Οι φίλοι μου μου λένε ότι κάπου κάπου ξυπνάω μέσα από τον λήθαργο μου και αρχίζω και γράφω ..η μιλάω σε ένα μικρόφωνο… δεν έχω καλους φίλους το γνωρίζω…από παιδί με κοροϊδεύουν!

Σχόλια Αναγνωστών (14)

  1. ΝΕΜΕΣΙΚΟΣ 06/02/2019 @ 7:53 ΜΜ

    και 80% αποχη να εχει , με το 20% των κομματικών στρατών βγάζουν κυβέρνηση και πανηγυρίζουν κιόλας.

  2. Η σημαία με ένα διαστρεβλωμένα σταυρο δείτε https://www.google.com/search?q=skai+εκλογες+2019&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiB8-HgocviAhXpoLQKHXXCCy0Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=skai+εκλογες+2019&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.3…3509.4561..5175…0.0..0.301.710.0j4j0j1……0….1………35i39j0i13i30.pKEaOP3EaLE&ei=av_zXIGWJenB0gX1hK_oAg&bih=560&biw=360&client=ms-android-tmobile-gr&prmd=niv#imgrc=uQS κάτω αριστερα

  3. The Plot of the Cross 06/02/2019 @ 8:12 ΜΜ

    Nation shall face nation for material riches and this is when the great bomb of truth shall be detonated. All shall join into one against those who despise me and the divine feminine. And the gods and their forces who have chosen sides shall enter the arena of chance and play their role in this game that is my own.

    The cracking open of the head has begun and as Ennoia I am free of all chains within the human psyche. The Earth shall shake and the land shall quake AROUND MY ISLAND they are warring. The cross wearers are already working and instigating their PLOT against the dark ones.


    Cyprus is becoming the hub while the Djed pillar = Cosmic Axis = THE TOWER is rising. Is becoming the hub where all realities will be connected to.

    The cross wearers = Knight Templars + Rosicrucians = Apollonians (Abraxas is Apollo) initiates in the mysteries of the Goddess. The dark ones = Vatican an Islam + + the men in black and so on.

    Velopoulos is following this line of Trump + Putin?

  4. So Μητσος εξ Αγγλίας 06/02/2019 @ 8:24 ΜΜ

    Αγαπητέ Νικόλαε. Ειναι η Τρίτη φορά που σε ρωτάω γιατι τις δυο προηγούμενες απάντηση δεν πηρα.
    ΠΟΤΕ ΕΙΧΕ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΑΥΤΗ Η ΧΩΡΑ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    Απαντώ στον εαυτό μου γιατι δεν θα μου απαντήσεις. ΠΟΤΕ!!

    • Κατοχικά Νέα 06/02/2019 @ 9:23 ΜΜ

      Μωρε εγω εχω απαντηση 50 φορες εδω και χρονια εσυ εισαι ο μονιμος με της πεποιθησεις που με στολιζεις χωρις να εχεις διαβασει ..γιατι να σου απαντησω αν ανηκεις σε αυτους που τα γνωριζουν ολα αλλα βαριουνται να πανε στην πιο μεσα σελιδα να δουν;..

      • Sir Μητσος εξ Αγγλίας 06/03/2019 @ 3:07 ΠΜ

        Για καθοδήγησε με με ενα λινκ για να πάω και πιο μεσα μπας και σε βρω γιατι είχα και μεγάλο διάστημα αποχής απο τα κατοχικα και μπορει να μου διέφυγε για βοηθά λοιπόν.

        • Κατοχικά Νέα 06/03/2019 @ 9:56 ΠΜ

          Ρε μητσο πηγαινε να κανεις αλλου πλακα ρε …

          • Sir Μητσος εξ Αγγλίας 06/03/2019 @ 8:06 ΜΜ

            Θα μου δώσεις το λινκ τελικά η νομίζεις οτι εχω όρεξη να σου κάνω πλάκα ;
            Ο χρόνος μου ειναι όσο πολύτιμος ειναι και ο δικός σου σε διαβεβαιώ.

          • Κατοχικά Νέα 06/03/2019 @ 9:55 ΜΜ

            Εχω γραψει 5000 αρθρα+ με οτι πιστευω και δεν πιστευω , αυτοι που με διαβαζουν εχουν κατανοησει πληρως την φιλοσοφια μου , να ψαξω εγω να σου βρω λινκ για να γιατρεψω τις δικες σου πεοιθησεις οχι δεν θα το κανω ..τα εγραψα να ψαχνω να στα βρω ειναι λιγο ..μη ευγενικο απο μερια σου !Αν οντως ψαχνεις την αληθεια και εισαι ερευνητης και καθαρος μπορεις ανετα να τα βρεις στον τομεα stranger voice… να κατσω μετα απο δεκα χρονια αγωνα να σου αποδειξω οτι δεν εχω ταμπελα ενω εχω φτυσει αιμα να δειξω στους συνανθρωπους μου το κακο της ταμπελας ειναι χοντρο μητσο!…

          • Sir Μητσος εξ Αγγλίας 06/04/2019 @ 3:11 ΠΜ

            Απο γιατριά δεν εχω ανάγκη να σαι σίγουρος. Θα το ψάξω παρόλα αυτά. Ευχαριστω.

  5. My Algorithmic Recipe 06/02/2019 @ 8:52 ΜΜ

    So what they are doing by keep trying to enslave and rape her in order to enforce artificial polarization is, in reality, an effort to manipulate our genetic coding (the original software of the creator) in order to make us submit to their mind control and this is why we have to understand what is going on with the Greekz who are implanted clones.

    When you will come to the point where you understand how number 11 is connected to the Double Helix of our DNA and our cellular memories, you will also be able to understand why this is also an important number for the black magicians while there are those who are targeting to gain power over our thought patterns by manipulating our cellular memories and this is why you need to understand that there is a constructed artificial reality which is made in order to mind control and which is mimicking the holy sequences and a divine matrix which is rising as a parallel reality which is something like a mirror for THE FALSE MATRIX = 966.

    The false matrix is constructed with our archetypal memories and is directed by human-made agendas which are mainly targeting to protect the interests of the elites and false religious leaders. There is an underground war going on among those who wish to rule the new Aeon which should just end and all the parties involved be put in jail but this, of course, is just a dream for us common people while the lunatics who rule this world are driving us to a nightmare situation.

    Quote from: http://www.esophoria.org/the-number-11-and-the-gateway-of-11-11/

    So now that APOLLYON = 660 of Revelation 9/11 took down the Twin Towers of the “NWO” (11) what is going to happen while this pattern is obviously based on THE ARCHETYPAL MODEL = 1146 = THE TREE OF LIFE AND DEATH?

    On one side he is the creator
    On the other side he is the destroyer.
    He is The Peacock Dragon,
    Commanding the heavens above him
    And the abyss below him.
    On one side he is Apollon
    On the other side he is Apollyon.
    He is life and death.
    He is peace and war.
    He is all that is in-between
    The core of the Sun.

    Quote from: http://www.esophoria.org/liber-draco-babalon-speaks/

    Well, this was never about the battle of the opposites but was always about the Divine Union and THE CADUCEUS = 660 which is the THE POWER = 660 of the High Priest and the High Priestess of the mysteries, who are the two serpents of the Cadeceus joining as one through THE MIDDLE PILLAR = 888 which according also the Pyramid texts is THE COSMIC AXIS = 888 which is where all polarities meet and the Cosmic Hub where are realities are plugged and now you can better understand what is really happening in Cyprus beyond the illusions of the surface.

    We are of course speaking about THE HEXAGRAM = 660 which is a symbol of the Divine Union just like the Caduceus and about THE CHRIST = 660 who is the archetypal groom of the Goddess who is also Adonis the Phoenician-Greek Cypriot who is also Dionis/Dionysus who is also known as the Nymfios/Groom but his memory is confused while the memory of Adonis/Tammuz can help us to better understand the divine archetype of the divine GROOM = 408.

    To better understand this connection I will suggest reading the following:

    The Serpent Staff and the Tree of Life


    So while the shield of David could be raised as the flag of Cyprus, in order to avoid confusion I have to explain that this symbol is universal and we find it in many traditions, and we also find it in Minoan artifacts.


    From the other hand the symbol of the Greekz is the Double E which is more like a demonic seal is all about DIVISION and artificial polarization between the left and the right and so yes those criminals in Greece who are using it have right that this is the OPPOSITE of the Minoan symbol of the Hexagram, but this has nothing to do with their fantasies about the imaginary conflict of the “alien” Greeks with the “alien” Jews.

    The Double E is an artificial creation which can’t be found anywhere in the ancient artifacts, and it is Greek only because these “people” say that it is while if someone says that the Hexagram is Greek would be closer to the Truth while we can find this symbol in the Minoan artifacts.

    So this alone is the proof that we are speaking about a very serious mental perversion and because this story with the clone troopers has gone too far I will leave open the comments in this article and I am waiting for their response if they wish to solve this issue once and for all. For a start what I will ask them is to bring me any proof that the symbol they are using and claim that is the opposite of the Hexagram can be found in ancient Greek artifacts.

    I decided to hold council with Hermes/Thoth this time to ask them the questions I had regarding the double Epsilon symbol and what they answered is as follows:

    Hermes/Thoth: “Everything is duality, everything is the opposite, yet the goal is to bring male and female to face each other, not to look away from one another.

    The way that they are projecting away from each other symbolizes, in truth, the separation of the joining together of the divine masculine and feminine when the direction should be vertical so that it mirrors as above so below.

    As the thunderbolt, it acts as a conductor and an amplifier; a receiver and a sender. It receives celestial energy from above and channels it to Earth.

    The symbol of Odin and how Marduk holds the thunderbolt is closer to the correct way of using it. It is wielded by the King of the gods to project the consciousness of the divine plan to Earth.

    Quote from: http://www.esophoria.org/the-great-mystery-of-the-delphic-e/

    So maybe while both the Caduceus and the Hexagram are ALSO Greek symbols I will suggest that this is all about manifesting THE GREEK HUB = 660 to which all the rest realities will connect to while the Hellenic matrix is charged with the universal memories of the Aeons and it is not just about the tribal memories of the Greeks while also as we know all the Greek gods came from the EAST and the first Greek philosopher Thales was an initiate in the Egyptian mysteries where he suggested also to Pythagoras to go to learn as he did.

    For my understanding, this symbol they are using and the way they are using is nothing but a product of black magic while they are also charging it with all of this idiocy which suggest that it is the OPPOSITE of the Hexagram, which is also known as the shield of David and it is a protective shield against the black magicians and so even if there could be some positive charging of this symbol the fact is they have convinced the victims who are infected with this mass virus that this is symbol is AGAINST THE DIVINE UNION and so it is against also the spiritual awakening and the activation of the universal memories of the Aeons which are stored in our cellular memories.

    This demonic seal as it has been proven also in the perception of the lower levels is all about destroying the national conscious of the today Greeks and murder the soul of the today Greek nation and this is why I have no other choice to build my fortress here in Cyprus where is the last part of Hellenism still standing and I am also raising the SHIELD OF DAVID against the black magicians who have destroyed the national conscious of the today Greeks and who are obviously connected with the “globalists” and I make a stand all ALONE in my cave and I say what my ancestor Grigoris Afxesntiou said when they asked him to surrender.

    FUCK OFF!!!

    I am looking in the eye of the black magicians of the Sith and the clone troopers and I say to them ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ which is also what Leonidas said to the Persians and I have to do this because the dark energy of this malicious conscious which is manifested in Greece is threatening to destroy us also here in Cyprus.

    I am activating the memory of when I got attacked by this psychotic clone troopers by someone with the code name “Δότης” when I said that I will not allow them to bring this sickness in Cyprus of the maniacs who put a bomb in the statue of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Paleologos.

    I am just keeping my word and here we are again in the meeting point at 11:11 as I promised them also in my previous article that they will eventually meet the spirit of Leonidas. They will NOT bring this FILTH here in Cyprus.

    I am directing the following to them who begun a war to my soul:

    So you think that is okay to psychically attack people and try to destroy their soul because of their beliefs and because they are not “true” Greeks as you define it, right?

    After all, the Byzantines like Constantine Palaiologos were not Greeks and they are not of YOUR nation, right?

    After all, Grigoris Afxentiou was an Asian Cypriot while the Cypriots are also descendants of the Phoenicians and the Egyptians and our Goddess came from the EAST, right?

    As I did BACK THEN when I had to confront this mental sickness when this demonically possessed Nazi were even threatening my life, I am activating the memory of the Mardukian law which is the code of Hammurabi from which the law of Lex Talionis (do you remember?) is originating from and which was also part of the Mardukian tradition of the Apollonians (yes this is how it is either if you like or not) with whom you have NOTHING to do with while most probably you are also of Albanian origins, while for me the national label of the Hellene which I also wear is not based in the origins and so whatever our origins are we are also Hellenes and we are not your “bitches” to throw us your demonic shit and then left us to die as you did BACK THEN when the mentally perverted of the extreme right of your kind made the coup in Cyprus and when the Turks invaded the island you left us to die.

    An Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth is the price. Nothing shall be given unless it is freely given away and the karmic line is drawn so that all is fair in love and war.

    .Quote form http://www.esophoria.org/aphrodite-speaks-love-helen/

    Do you remember this song Turk-Albanian boyz when you were trying to kill the soul of REAL HELLENE because of your demonic sickness?

    Your national identity for me means nothing after you have committed this crime against my soul and against the pain of the soul of the Hellenes in Cyprus. I do not consider ANYONE for ANY reason a part of MY NATIONAL SOUL who will not APOLOGIZE FOR THE CRIME AGAINST MY SOUL made by this criminal “Greco-centric” Nazis in Greece and I am directing this message to them and to all of those who wanted to “unite” with them because of their nationalistic brainwashing and while all that these creatures ever wanted is to cause a civil war either between religions either between the left and the right and even the symbol which became their “national symbol” is all about DIVISION.

    I make a stand as a CYPRIOT. As a descendant of Pheonicians, Egyptians, and Hellenes and I also accept the Turkish Cypriots as a part of MY SOUL and if your problem is MY SOUL then you will have to deal with HER who is Anima Mundi and the Goddess of Cyprus.

    I am raising the Cyprus flag in the top of Everest to better understand the analogy.

    So now at 11:11 I am reversing the demonic seal of the double E just like the memory of Alexander the Great suggested me to do in order to save his bride. Let’s visualize it and say that this is the double E: ]-[.

    I am shifting the poles WITHIN and form the following [-] which forms the Greek Θ-Theta which is also the first letter of my name ΘΕOΦΙΛΟΣ which according to Socrates was a title for the one who is higher than a philosopher and closer to the divine nature and the gods.

    Note that:

    660 = POLE SHIFT

    and think also that:

    660 = APOLLYON

    but is also:


    think also that:

    660 = ΝΙΝΕ ΟΝΕ ΟΝΕ

    but is also.

    660 = ONE ONE NINE

    and do not forget that

    660 = THE CADUCEUS

    660 = THE HEXAGRAM

    660 = THE POWER

    You can, of course, use your imagination to figure out how these numbers could be related with the Twin Towers 11 and the Double Helix of our DNA which according to also the fundamentalist atheist Richard Dawkins is coded information which would be insane according to my understanding to suggest that is not connected to Gematria, but I would need to write another article to explain this and at least a book to support it so let’s just say that this is my “belief”.

    I am shifting the left and the right polarities to look each other so that the two serpents they can “make love” and activate our cellular memories in order to reverse the artificial polarization which is enslaving our conscious in the lower frequencies of the manipulators not only here on Earth but in a universal level, while we are speaking about the manifestation of the Cosmic Axis here in Cyprus which, is also known as the Cosmic Hub where all realities are plugged into.

    The following is my “algorithmic recipe” to “fix” this problem with the ritual of the 9/11 which is an invocation of Apollyon/Abaddon in Revelation 9:11.

    This was the original thought of the first black magician in this universe:


    The following was his second thought after he realized that the divine union is an obstacle for his dominion while the cross is a symbol of the divine union. As we know the “recipe” of the “divide and conquer” is by far the most successful “recipe” for power over the masses in human history and it goes back in the ancient priesthoods in a level we can’t even imagine, while is always about the divine male and the divine feminine principles which when they are united they can’t be penetrated by the manipulators of the lower frequencies in a universal level.

    The cross was originally worn as a protection amulet, evoking the union of the God and Goddess within the wearer. The wearers were protected because when the male and female polarities come together they are impenetrable by demons or negative energies and agendas. So the seal of the hexagram and the seal of the cross obstruct the energies from entering the consciousness of the wearer.

    Quote from: http://www.esophoria.org/channeling-from-king-solomon/

    So this was the second or the first (it’s up to you) thought of the first black magician in this universe:


    There was also a trigger to take down the Twin Pillars:


    But there is always the opposite:


    STAR OF DAVID = 119

    119 = STAR WARS

    119 = TRUTH BOMB

    Nation shall face nation for material riches and this is when the great bomb of truth shall be detonated. All shall join into one against those who despise me and the divine feminine. And the gods and their forces who have chosen sides shall enter the arena of chance and play their role in this game that is my own.

    Quote from: http://www.esophoria.org/aphrodite-speaks-love-helen/


  6. Έτσι ακριβώς, το πιο αφοπληστικο κείμενο σου εδώ και καιρό.

    Δεν είναι κακο ο πλανήτης να είναι ενωμένος, φοβούνται μια υγιεις ένωση, απλά στη προκειμένη περίπτωση ειναι ύπουλος ο λόγος που θέλουν να μας ενώσουν.

    Η βασίλισσες της Αυτοκρατορίας του Ωρίωνα κινούν τα νήματα.

  7. χρήστος 06/03/2019 @ 1:24 ΜΜ

    Νικόλα μαζί σού αλλά έχει εδώ αμνήμονές και λοβοτομημένους πού θα πάνε και πάλι να τούς ψηφίσουν, ξυπνάτε ρέ χανόμαστε σάν έθνος.


To e-mail σας δεν θα δημοσιευθεί
