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Letter B: After Quantum-[Grammar or else] is No Quantum but is a Quantum as well!…

Πρίν αναγνώσεις το Γράμμα Β ανάγνωσε το Γράμμα Α: |||~Before reading the Letter B read the Letter A:

Definition: Q[Κ]uantum Grammar is not what the people think is Quantum Grammar!…

Η κάθε λέξη ανεξάρτητη και σε συνάρτηση. Η κάθε επί μέρους εξήγηση ανεξάρτητη και σε συνάρτηση:|||~ Each word is independent and in function. Each individual explanation is independent and in function:

{[Τους τελευταίους μήνες έχω συνδεθεί με ανθρώπους από όλον τόν κόσμον που αγαπάνε το αληθινό μυστήριο-αλχημείας και αποφάσισα νά τούς φέρω στήν παρέα των Κατοχικών Νέων, ανθρώποι που δεν μιλάνε Ελληνικά αλλά που διαιωνίζονται καί νοοσυχνοτίζονται στά Ελληνικά περισσότερο από τούς περισσότερους που μιλάνε Ελληνικά ή «Ελληνικά»]~

In recent months I have connected with people from all over the world who love the true mystery-alchemy and I decided to bring them in the company of the Occupied News-Youth/Katohika Nea-Katoxika Nea-[be-cause the x is h in Greek], people who do not speak Greek but who are perpetuated and mind-frequented-[mindfrequented] more than most who speak Greek or “Greek”]}….Be-fore you read more read the letter:

Be-tween-[be-tw/two-in/inn-+between means between two, two persons, energies, wh+at ever=ευ+ερ=ευer=ev/ευ+αρ/ar(e)] the fiction & the True is the Fiction True & the True Fiction… all-ways & all+ways. People wh+o know wh+at is Quantum Grammar all ready know wh+at I say here for here!…

Mean-means mean mind, mind means memory, alla start wi+th m. From-[form] memory from the Greek word mnimi-μνήμη…. So memory is a-the Data, Data is a-the memory. The true Uni-vers_e is a-THE Memory on it based the material memory of/off what we call un-i-vers_e….

Don’t make mis+takes of/off th+at you ar(e) in the fifth or other dimension, be-caus-(e) you don’t real-k+now wh+at wh+0/o you whear=where are. Under+stand or Uponstand;…. For+ger & For-get-off+get ab+out dimesions be+cause only the dimensions k-now/as well k+now wh+o in who/wh+ich-[inch=in+ch your soul & body is-ink of/off-for you are-your soul] dimension IS/or is…

You are/your soul is moving & motivating as/so you are/your in & out from moment to/too moment in any dimension you can-have the strongness to/too be as a soul being-[be+ing-be_ink] been…-[be+en=be+in/εν]… be=μπη/μπι-letterB let it be/B = 2 = division-διαίρεση=διά+αίρεση-διαφορετικότητα/diversity wh+ich mean h+eresy-eresy-airesy=αίρεση pronounced eresy in Greek…

SO Whear-where-wh+ere you are; You are wh-ere your motivation-mood-novation are in every moment of/or off the time speed, be-cause thear-there moments & moments by different speed/or speed time=τιμέ=Τιμή=prise, So time is price in Greek, time is price in every-thing & every_think, be_cause think & thing is the same, think is energy & thing is material wh+at Αναξαγόρας-Anaxagoras said in 7enth  Century B.C. that the matter-[from the verb masso or matto = μάσσω ή μάττω and from it the words master, magic, cooking in Greek, mason, maestro, che-w-ing-ink, mangare-eat & sto masticando-im chewing in Italian, see the most ar(e) from the letter M as Mάττω ή Μάσσω].

Anaxagoras-[name means the King of Orator-Kingorator-orator is from Greek word vision-orama-oratios]: the in-finity is two parts the energy & the material.

Aristotelis-Αristotle-[name means aristo like aristo+crat,-optimal & τελώ means make-do-finish or finish it-serve wi-th success & re-verence] : after Anaxagoras said what Anaxagoras said & and farther more & and the speed more than the light speed, I k-new it from be-fore that I said from a child there is the in-finity speed, so what is the important ab-out light speed;

Einstein:-[name means en/in stay= I stay in the same path/μονοπάτι & path is passion in Greek = path+os=pathos & p+athos=athos means innocent=in No Cent = poor &/or devoted to knowledge and God, be-cause TRUE k-now[-time-every-time/price]ledge-[logos-Logos/Λόγος=Jesus Son God is Language-Logos=Ledge]: the matter is tow parts, one is the material & one is the energy-[ενέργεια = εν+έργον = in to project] that is e=mc that is what Anaxagoras said]


The word optimal-vission is from the Greek word οπτόν/opton=option & optical = glasses & science for/περί/peri vision/see=sea of sea-[from thalassi=thala-ssi=just sea=θαλασσί/θάλασσα/θαλασσέα is sea in Greek & θάλα means both blurred and cloudy-& spherical-[sphere=σφαίρα=sphere] shape-[a kind of shadow-morfology]. Opton-οπτόν means as well something that is burning or heating as well the meat flesh in char-coal… That’s means opton is the aura=αύρα… And energy is αύρα… So the vision is energy & coming as a energy & is coming from the energy, so the Greek words say from be_for(e) wh-at is wh+at by the same syntax of/off the word. Syntax off means what syntax in/of./. What from a specific syntax infront of/off you is in and out, off & on!… Anagrammic on is no that is the opposite, off is ffo or fo as the of means fos/φως=λάϊτ/light…


You are body-material & mind-&heart-= frequencies-φρή-φρεί-free-Quencies=free is fre & no the word free=φρέε, fr+e/ee as the letter e pronounced… So the fre-free people ar(e) th-e free quencies pe+ople-[hoofs & that in Greek is handfuls-palms as χού-π-τα χού-φ-τα = houpta or houfta modern Greek, re-midn you tha often change in several languages from f to p or from p to f.


Soul is not a matter, is not a matter energy, is not a material. Is a mix depends on humiliation sin-off & humbleness-on, of three General Dimensions: α) material-three dimensions β) intermediate dimension-three dimensions & γ) holly=h-olly-[όλοι & all & olon=wh+olon=wh-ole & άλλος-onother-other-allien-allos-out of material world-three dimensions, So In Saint Three Dimension Company or H+OLLY TRINITY… 3+3+3=9+3=12=3… Diamension from the word Διάσταση = Διά+στάση = διά+stand-stasi-park-on it-park as a spiritual meaning… The word διά/Διά means give-gift-two-share: who have two sleeves to give one Jesus-Iisous Christ-Chistos=Hristos say… & Dia means Ζεύς=Zeus menas pair-couple-two-share-divite-give, for alla these words for good & bad. For example divite people & share money-bad or good & share food to the people… So-[η εξίσωση είναι-e-Quation is:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]: Quantum after Quantum is Quantum be-for(e) Quantum Prequantum and Afterquantum. We do it, means as-[too] alchemy and anarchy-FREE-/FRE-QUE-NCY-[en sy = in you in Greek = έν σύ] in-όν/on-[όν means: the being-be-ing & be-ink=be spiritual soul ink=in-k be-cause ink is getting as a liqu-id in the body of paper, or heart or any-where-else] Moral value mathematical reason-Λόγος-logo Logos equation of-on-in TRUE!…


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4 σχόλια στο “Letter B: After Quantum-[Grammar or else] is No Quantum but is a Quantum as well!…”
  1. ΕΝΑΣ ΑΧΤΑΡΜΑΣ. Τιποτα λιγότερο και τιποτα περισσοτερο. Ρε ανθρωπε ή αγραμματος, αμορφωτος εισαι ή πολυ μορφωμένος εισαι και γενικα έχεις χασει τη μπαλα. Εκτός του ότι τα αγγλικα σου ειναι χεζε ψηλα κι αγναντευε.

  2. Βρέ Ανέστη μ’ έκανες καί γέλασα, πού τά βλέπεις τ’ αγγλικά; Διά ποία αγγλικά μιλάς, εκείνα ή αυτά;…

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