
The Philippines’ capital has been paralyzed by fast moving floods that poured into the city from surrounding dams, overflowing after 12 days of monsoon downpours. The deluge has…
already claimed 11 lives as the rescue operation continues apace.


­The flash flood drowned Manila in one day as the region received half an average August’s precipitation in just 24 hours.
Those who were caught by the floods in their houses had to get to the rooftops – some are still waiting to be rescued. The government has dispatched 130 emergency teams, which are now busy evacuating people. The water level is receding, but there are still people waiting for help in absence of fresh water and food.
All in all, about 1.2 million people in the city of 12 million have been affected. Nearly 800,000 of them fled their dwellings. Among those who stayed are mostly the elderly and others who could not leave their houses quickly.
The weather forecast for Manila predicts improvements on Thursday, as the first sunny day in fortnight is expected.
The flooding has become the worst in Manila since 2009 when a deluge brought by a typhoon devastated Manila and its suburbs, killing hundreds.

Motorists and passengers are trapped in the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) as heavy rains continue in Valenzuela City, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Stringer)
Motorists and passengers are trapped in the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) as heavy rains continue in Valenzuela City, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Stringer)
Residents ride on a rubber boat after being evacuated from their flooded homes in Marikina, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Erik De Castro)
Residents ride on a rubber boat after being evacuated from their flooded homes in Marikina, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Erik De Castro)
A man holds his shoes as he swims in floodwaters along a road in Marikina, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Erik De Castro)
A man holds his shoes as he swims in floodwaters along a road in Marikina, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Erik De Castro)
Rescuers search for victims buried by a landslide amid heavy rainfall in Quezon City, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Cheryl Ravelo)
Rescuers search for victims buried by a landslide amid heavy rainfall in Quezon City, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Cheryl Ravelo)
A man transports vegetables on his motorcycle along a flooded street in Las Pinas, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Cheryl Ravelo)
A man transports vegetables on his motorcycle along a flooded street in Las Pinas, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Cheryl Ravelo)
Residents wait for their family members being rescued at the end of a flooded street in the village of Tumana, Marikina town, in suburban Manila on August 7, 2012 (AFP Photo / Ted Aljibe)
Residents wait for their family members being rescued at the end of a flooded street in the village of Tumana, Marikina town, in suburban Manila on August 7, 2012 (AFP Photo / Ted Aljibe)
Rescuers dig through the rubble of a landslide to try to rescue people buried after a landslide hit Quezon City in suburban Manila on August 7, 2012 (AFP Photo / Jay Directo)
Rescuers dig through the rubble of a landslide to try to rescue people buried after a landslide hit Quezon City in suburban Manila on August 7, 2012 (AFP Photo / Jay Directo)
Residents are evacuated from their flooded homes in the village of Tumana, Marikina town, in suburban Manila on August 7, 2012 (AFP Photo / Ted Aljibe)
Residents are evacuated from their flooded homes in the village of Tumana, Marikina town, in suburban Manila on August 7, 2012 (AFP Photo / Ted Aljibe)
Residents manouever past electricity lines through floodwaters to climb on top of the roofs of their houses after a river overflowed in Manila on August 7, 2012 (AFP Photo / Noel Celis)
Residents manouever past electricity lines through floodwaters to climb on top of the roofs of their houses after a river overflowed in Manila on August 7, 2012 (AFP Photo / Noel Celis)
Residents wade through floodwaters in Tinajeros, Malabon city, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Stringer)
Residents wade through floodwaters in Tinajeros, Malabon city, Metro Manila August 7, 2012 (Reuters / Stringer) 


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