
Chemical and Mind Control experiments MKUltra, Bluebird and Artichoke.
The United States, for its warts, has achieved much in its short 230-plus year history. It is a benevolent world superpower, for the…
most part, that serves as a beacon of hope and freedom for an increasingly oppressed world, even as it serves as a guardian against tyranny for as many as half of the world’s nearly seven billion people.
But a few chapters in our history – slavery, oppression of the Native American tribes, causes of the civil rights movement, and moments of unconstitutionality on the part of our elected leaders – serve as more than simple blemishes on an otherwise admirable record of defending liberty and freedom. One such stain is the way we’ve treated some of our nation’s military veterans.

The maltreatment is summed up in a recent federal case. In late July, a group of veterans managed to win a court order forcing the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to hand over a trove of documents detailing the department’s alleged Cold War-era drug experiments on Vietnam vets. What’s problematic about this case isn’t the decision – the VA owes these veterans any answers they are seeking – but the fact that the case had to be filed at all.
‘Project Paperclip’
According to court documents, U.S. Magistrate Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley, in Oakland, Calif., said in her ruling that the documents requested by the veteran-plaintiffs were “squarely relevant” to their claim that the government, through the VA, did not adequately notify veterans of chemicals they were purposely exposed to during experimentation, and – perhaps more importantly – what effects that exposure might have had on their physical and mental health.
Details of this sad episode in our history were contained in a 2009 class action suit. Filed by the Vietnam Veterans of America and individual soldiers, the suit charges the U.S. Army and the Central Intelligence Agency, with the help of former Nazi scientists, of using at least 7,800 vets as guinea pigs to test the effects of as many as 400 different types of drugs and chemicals. They included mescaline (psychedelic alkaloid), LSD (psychedelic drug), amphetamines, barbiturates, nerve agents and mustard gas.
The suit also says the government worked to cover up the testing and the nature of its experiments, which began in the 1950s under such exotic code names as “Bluebird,” “Artichoke” and MKUltra.”
The government launched “Project Paperclip,” the suit alleges, an all-out effort by the Army and CIA to allegedly recruit former Nazi scientists to help test various psycho-chemicals, as well as develop a new truth serum using the nation’s own vets as test subjects, Courthouse News Service reported.
“Over half of these Nazi recruits had been members of the SS or Nazi Party,” said the class-action suit. “The ‘Paperclip’ name was chosen because so many of the employment applications were clipped to immigration papers.”
According to Colin A. Ross, a psychiatrist and author of “The CIA Doctors,” said he pored over more than 15,000 documents he received from the nation’s premier spy agency detailing the “mind control” operations which he said took place between 1950-1972 “at many leading universities including HarvardYaleCornell,Johns Hopkins and Stanford.”
The goal, simply, is mind control
In a report posted on the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International’s Web site, Ross said “MKUltra and related programs had several over-lapping purposes.”
“One was to purchase mind control drugs from suppliers. Another was to form relationships with researchers who might later be used as consultants at the TOP SECRET level,” he wrote. “The core purpose of these programs was to learn how to enhance interrogations, erase and insert memories, and create and run Manchurian Candidates.”
Ross said all of that is documented “clearly and explicitly” in the declassified CIA documents he obtained, though he said it was merely “a glimpse into the tip of the iceberg of CIA and military mind control.”
“The experimental subjects were not told the real purpose of the experiments, did not give informed consent, were not afforded outside counsel and received no meaningful follow-up,” he wrote. “As described by the psychiatrists in published papers, experiments with LSD and other hallucinogens, combined with sensory deprivation, electroshock and other interrogation techniques, resulted in psychosis and death among other ‘side effects.’ The purpose of these experiments was to see how easily a person could be put into a psychotic state or controlled.”
In a review of the MKUltra program, which was launched in 1953, Wired.com said its goal was, simply, mind-control.
“1953: The agency launches one of its most dubious covert programs ever, turning unsuspecting humans into guinea pigs for its research into mind-altering drugs,” said the report, which said then-Central Intelligence Agency director Allen Dulles authorized the program.
“Dulles wanted to close the ‘brainwashing gap’ that arose after the United States learned that American prisoners of war in Korea were subjected to mind-control techniques by their captors,” said Wired.com.
Programmable assassins
“Loathe to be outdone by foreign enemies, the CIA sought, through its research, to devise a truth serum to enhance the interrogations of POWs and captured spies. The agency also wanted to develop techniques and drugs – such as ‘amnesia pills’ – to create CIA superagents (sic) who would be immune to the mind-control efforts of adversaries.”
The creation of so-called Manchurian Candidates – a programmable assassin, essentially – was also a goal of the program.
Besides drug and chemical experimentation, the program included the use of radiological implants, hypnosis and subliminal persuasion, electroshock therapy and isolation techniques, the report said.
In their suit, the vets level similar charges – that the government was attempting to develop and test substances capable of inducing mind control, euphoria, altered personalities, confusion, physical paralysis, mania, illogical thinking and other effects.
Many of the experiments, the suit says, were conducted at Army facilities at Edgewood Arsenal and Ft. Detrick, Md. Some left a number of veterans saddled with debilitating health problems for decades to follow. Worse, the veterans say the government has neglected to provide follow-up medical care to mitigate the damages.
Some soldiers died from the testing, while others suffered physical and mental ailments including seizures and paranoia, an earlier ruling in the case noted.
In this latest bid for full disclosure, the VVA sought documents from the government that reveal the VA’s processes of identifying and notifying soldiers who may have been exposed to the chemical and biological tests.
No relevant medical purposes
In arguing against releasing the documents, attorneys for the VA said the agency should be exempted from doing so by the deliberative process privilege, which aims to shield the decision-making processes of government agencies.
Judge Corley did not buy the argument, ruling instead that that veterans group and others “have demonstrated a sufficient, substantial need to overcome the qualified deliberative process privilege.”
“The Court agrees that considerable discovery has been provided on this subject; however, having reviewed the thousands of pages of documents submitted for in camera review, the Court notes that these processes are far from clear or consistent, and in fact, seem to have undergone numerous modifications over time,” she wrote.
Corley ordered the VA to release more than 40 documents, which she said were “both relevant and unavailable from other sources given that the documents reflect processes which have evolved over time.”
Writes Ross, “The purpose of mind control experiments is controlling human behavior: making enemy combatants open up during interrogation; protecting secret information by erasing memories; making spies more resistant to interrogation because secret information is held by hidden identities and making people more prone to influence, social control and suggestion.
“The mind control experiments and operational programs violate basic human rights and all codes of medical ethics,” he said.
The government should never use American citizens or others for any sort of experimentation, at least without first getting consent. Using those who protect and defend us for the same is unspeakable.
After the US came in from the West and the Russians from the East, Germany was split. Hitler’s top scientists were covertly brought back to the States under an operation known as Paperclip. The US government wanted abstract knowledge from Hitler’s scientists for the benefit of the US military and the security of the nation. Another major concern was to capture the Germans from the Soviets who would definitely make use of the German scientists. Many of these scientists studied brainwashing and torture and several were prosecuted as war criminals during the Nuremberg Trials.
The US government started a program called MK-ULTRA which originated with the Nazis in Germany during Hitler’s reign. MK-ULTRA would be the continuation of the Nazi’s work along with the Americans. This program was used for experiments on hundreds of American and Canadian citizens without approval.
The program began as early as the 1950s and continued through the late 1960s. Some of the goals of project MK-ULTRA were to utilize methodologies to manipulate individual mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs and other chemicals, sensory deprivation, isolation, and verbal and sexual abuse. This was an illegal and inhumane CIA human research program in its essence.
Now with the torture cases turning up in Guantanamo Bay and other stories from the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, people may ask how the US could do such inhumane experiments of physical and psychological torture to human beings. Many would not know that more extreme types of torture were already being practiced back home in the States on US citizens in the 1950s and on. Many US government projects began from Operation Paperclip. As Paperclip was to recruit Nazi scientists and have them work for the US government.
In those days it was the time of the Cold War, and the US wanted to be able to respond to the Soviet, Chinese and North Korean use of mind control as a weapon. The CIA was particularly interested in being able to manipulate foreign leaders with such techniques. Furthermore, the CIA later invented several schemes to drug Cuban leader Fidel Castro. Many historians claim one of the main goals was to create a Manchurian Candidate who is one that is brainwashed into unknowingly becoming an assassin. At the time, much of the experiments were at a more primitive level without the modern implantable chips, which can now be used inside bodies.
Drugs played a large role in tinkering with the patients. Chemical, biological and radiological means were also investigated for mind control. LSD experiments began with a host of others in April, 1953. LSD was given without consent to CIA workers, military personnel, government agents, doctors, mentally ill patients and prostitutes. One experiment was to connect a barbiturate IV into one arm and an amphetamine IV into the other.
The barbiturates were injected first, and as soon as the person appeared sedated or almost asleep, the amphetamines were injected. The person would babble incoherently and it was at times possible to ask questions and get useful answers.
Other drugs used during experiments included heroin, morphine, MDMA, mescaline, psilocybin, scopolamine, marijuana, alcohol, sodium pentothal, and ergine. Some of the Canadian MK-ULTRA experiments left people with permanent damage. Psychiatrist Donald E. Cameron worked every week at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University.
Many of the patients suffered from mild depression excluding some schizophrenic patients he had been interested in correcting by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. His techniques included using LSD, experimenting with paralytic drugs and electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power.
Cameron was the inventor of the “psychic driving” psychiatric procedure, which was believed by Cameron to be able to break down the subject’s personality and create a new one. He would put patients into drug-induced comas for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing sampled loops of noise or simple statements in repetition.
The result of Cameron experiments for MK-ULTRA left patients who suffered from mild treatable depression with amnesia, incontinence, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents and also believing that their interrogators were their parents.
MK-ULTRA also used many American children, children from Mexico and South America over a period of about forty years starting in 1948. Doctors and agents who administered it wanted to obtain control over the minds of these children to create super-agents; thereafter, not even remembering the missions they were programmed to carry out because of hypnotically induced amnesia. This was somehow removed by their controllers and installed back at will.
The children were trained as sex agents with the purpose of blackmailing prominent politicians, businessmen and educators. A lot of films were made and some of the centers where children were used as sex agents got out of control and turned into CIA-operated sex rings. Some children were considered expendable and simply murdered.
A number of people who were abused by these experiments and made it out went to therapy and other professionals to share their stories. It was reported that the CIA controllers sometimes dressed up in satanic costumes to further traumatize the children, also providing a cover so the children would not be believed if they talked.
It appeared that some of the main objective of all the different projects that bloomed out of Paperclip was to completely annihilate a child or adult’s memory and self-identity in order to reprogram the patient to do the bidding of the CIA whether this meant creating a sex slave, an assassin or whatever. Many were exposed to physical and psychological torture, others went insane, and several even died.
Now moving into the 21st century, the CIA is still involved in mind control but they have technology to help them. Drugs, psychological and physical torture is not as necessary as it was in the past to mentally destroy an innocent person.
The Washington Post on 24 November 2010 reported, “If military veterans have their way in a California lawsuit, the spy agency’s quest to turn humans into robot-like assassins via electrodes planted in their brains will get far more exposure than the drugs the CIA tested on the subjects ranging from soldiers to unwitting bar patrons and the clients of prostitutes.”
It’s not just science fiction or the imaginings of the mentally ill. In 1961, a top CIA scientist reported in an internal memo that the feasibility of remote control of activities in several species of animals has been demonstrated, the article said.
The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA (National Security Agency) has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their bodies. Signals Intelligence is based on the fact that everything in the environment with an electric current in it has a magnetic field around it which gives off EMF waves.
Digital Angel and VeriChip (verification) are two companies that sell implantable RFID (radio frequency identification) microchips which can be implanted in the body with a syringe.
This technology is primarily used for tracking children who are kidnapped or locating a person that is mentally ill. Many US soldiers in Iraq had RFID chips implanted in case they were taken hostage. Technology is a double-edged sword and can be used for good or bad.
With the increase of gunmen taking out civilians in malls and schools, we have to consider the possibility of mind control. The government is also toying with ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) transmissions. ELF development for military purposes has shown to cause at close range aberrations in the thought processes of human beings, such as hallucinations, disordered thought, confusion, aggression, depression, anger, and hopelessness.
As technology accelerates at exponential speeds, the mass public is being left in the dark regarding what type of capabilities the military and government have. Some of this technology is referred to as exotic technologies. It is technologies that we do not know exist. The most modern technologies being used for mind control by the CIA are of course classified. Years later, after people take out lawsuits for family members or friends’ deaths and psychological illnesses, we may have more information. In addition, if they were doing those experiments back in the 50′s, we can only imagine what monstrosities the CIA and their mad scientists are inflicting on humans now.


Blog Author- Mr Mars

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