
So lets begin with some old articles about this i am going to reveal you …

Do you remember this ?


This ?


Or this ?


I suppose that you still remember all those above !!! 

It’s one more conspiracy scenario betwen Vatican and tyrkey and it’s also a plan which NWO uses to change and rewrite the history !!!

It’s one more scenario which needs to be careful with it … 
One brand new  NWO theory which we have to prevent…
Katohika news will prevent their plans again telling only the truth …
So let’s start …

they told to the people …
”Tyrkish journalists had referances last years about this  and muslim people give emphasis in gospel’s paragraphs saying that Jesus Christ was just a
precursor of muhammad”

There is their first false …

NΟWHERE says that and believe me i know and i ‘ll predict that  to you …

We have an ancient gospel which could possibly in the future the nwo use it in order to try to change the history and damage orthodox faith !~!
A gospel which vatican works hard to obtain it … a gospel which maybe soon will gives us the most strange scenarios … 

So what we have to do ???
How can we know if this knowledge is true or not ???
How we could know if the NWO tells us the truth about what in this gospel writes???
Can we do something ??? 
Yes we can !!!
The ΚΑΤΟΗΙΚΑ ΝΕΑ risks one more time !!!
 And we ask for a person who knows Αramaic language in order to translate barnaba’s gospel before NWO serve us their false  ”truth” about this book  !!!

Yes you’re reading  correct … barnaba’s gospel …
 We have the fortune to possess all the book in photos…

Below we will show you some pages of it  !!

Firstly everyone should know that those photos are shared to friendly-trusted persons here in greece in italy and in russia. 
Also  in many trusted-pc’s and a dozen of confidant bloggers in order to create an insunance shield for us and for the archives !!!

Ιf nwo members  disturb us they have to know that those archives automatically will be spreaded in hole internet from decades users … 

 That’s the way how we stop nwo’s scenarios … that’s how we win …!!!

We can’t explain you how we got those photos but the meaning is that we have them …
”You understand the danger if we reveal the name of the person who gave those to us ”
so we hope you also understand why we don’t reveal him …
Sharing this article helps us to find a person who knows Aramaic language and also help for our security !!!
Now check  some of the photos ( not the hole archive, ONLY PICTURES )

We clouded some pieces cause there are  Aramaic Words

here clouded again 
 and a bonus photo which shows us an object which was inside the iron box (the first 2 pictures)

Now share this , help us to find a person who knows this language , and make an insurance shield for us 
Lets stop all together NWO’s plans…

contact – KATOHIKA@GMAIL.COM – arisgalaxyace@gmail.com

Blog Author- Mr Mars

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