
Pope Benedict 16th and the abused Vatican curved cross (06/29/2005). 

Take a closer look on the images below, the symbol to the narrowest part of the sphenoid (or pyramid) coffin of John Paul II. Some Catholic internet-media said it’s a cross with the symbol M on the side, the initial letter of Mary, i.e. Mother of Jesus.

But, if you take a look closer, it seems clear that the vertical legs of the letter M are not equal! There is no chance that the artist has made a mistake, because it was also on the “crest” of Pope JP II. So:
•a) They show up a differentiated shape (falsified Cross), towards to the feet of the body of Pope, and it is been told that this is the cross.
•b) They say that the letter M, which can symbolize any other word that begins with this letter (as Mason), shows the Virgin Mary. But even ordinary faithful Catholics know that from the ancient Christian tradition, Mary has completely distinct symbols on her face.
•c) In addition M is in a (just like the cross) differentiated shape!

Therefore something serious is hidden behind these symbols. However, the odd shape follows the line of manipulated Christian symbols, which is common to magicians, Satanists and Kabalists.

 When the M is rotated, it fits perfectly to the greek capital letter Sigma (Σ) which is the only letter with two unequal parallels and also the starting letter of Zion(Σιων), Satan(Σατανας), etc. Most likely, because the Pope JP II was of Jewish origin, and the Vatican is trying to go along with the Zionists, the shape as a symbol to represent the union of (absents) Christian and Zionist. 

The Cross is deformed to create space in order for the Zionism (Σ) to fit at the upper right quadrant! The Satanists often use Greek terminology for precision! 
Nowadays, religious and political leaders precipitated into Satanism…

Satanic salute:
1. The original “hook um” salute of Texas, is different from the satanic salute.
2. The presidential couple George and Laura Bush.
3. Silvio Berlusconi, Italian Prime Minister.
4. John Edwards, candidate for the Democratic nomination.
5. Abdullah King of Jordan.

The trapped cross in the new era

Since may of 1988, according to the new-era-team and the Pasadena star news, lightened crosses have been started to appear on the windows of several houses.
Their main characteristics are very shinning and they appear immediately after a visit of a new-era-leader. The people who live in those houses have been studying books of the new era with a preferred room as the bath.

Surely there is no connection to the orthodox miracle way of meaning, but probably a demonstration of power from seductive spirits, which open the way of pride to those who live these houses. They prefer to appear in natural clean places, such as baths, to give a sign of origin. If you look closer to those crosses, you will see that they are enclosed in a rhomboid, less bright background. But, this is exactly one of the main symbols of New-Era.

Rhombus symbolizes the “crystallized” power and it is the logo in the site of Benjamin Crème, one of the leaders of New-Era. In New-Era movement, there are appeared even origin miracles of Orthodox such as saint-icons which they have the smell of an essence, miraculous saint-icons, etc. But in the end of every story they promote their own meaning: Jesus is just a simple monk for them, He is not the only and true God, Creator and Savior of humans.
Therefore the bodies consist of antichrist spirit. And even all the abused symbols of Christianity become infected by the antichrist spirit and the evil power, due to the abandon of grace from the bad will of the people. Whether dumper Nazi crosses, or New Age movement trapped crosses. Even the official “curved” cross of the Vatican from Pope Paul VI in 1963, is such a battered symbol. These black religious trends open the way for pan-religion, which is one step before the final elimination of existing religions and the establishment of the religion of the Antichrist.

Blog Author- Mr Mars

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