
Ολοι οι Ελληνες πατριωτες επιλεγουν το Ελληνικο κοινωνικο δικτυο ελα μαζι μας γιατι ειναι λογικο πια να μην ειμαστε στους ξενους!!

16:53 - 02/04/2022

Definition: Q[Κ]uantum Grammar is not what the people think is Quantum Grammar!…

Ολοι οι Ελληνες πατριωτες επιλεγουν το Ελληνικο κοινωνικο δικτυο ελα μαζι μας γιατι ειναι λογικο πια να μην ειμαστε στους ξενους!!


Definition: Q[Κ]uantum Grammar is not what the people think is Quantum Grammar!…

Q+uantum Gramma+r is not what the people think-believe it is. Q+uantum Gramma+r is the Ancient Greek Language it is. For-[Por=peri=περί=φερί=feri=for] examble if un is no in English and yes in Ancient Greek then un is yes in the big-beginning…

True is what it is before the motivation of-by people and be+fore people. Ancient Greek is the Language of God. God is be+fore people. The Root!…

[R]oot is from-[form] [Ρ]=[is R in English]ίζα = Ρ+ίζα/Ρίζες=Riza/Rizes-Roots.

Syntex=syn+tex is from Σύνταξ-Σύνταξη=Συν+τάξη-[syntaxi]. Taxi is Order Greek Language = syn+order. The word syn motivate in English as con or com as con+tract or com+mon or com+pany-[p+ain-ponos-πόνος]. Taxi as for taxi drive from ταξείδιον-ταξίδιον-ταξίδι-[ξ is x, δ/Δ=Δέλτα/Delta-letter- is like the-[voice of it or it] as d, so taxi is travel=taxidi=ταξίδι].

Syntex means in order. Syntex of language means grammar in order= Logos-Λόγος-Language and Λόγος call His Self Jesus Christ in His Says in Greek and Speak Greek for His Self.

What means Jesus in English; Typical-Typicall No+thing con+tract of meaning. What means Jesus in Greek; Ιησούς!=Iisous from iasi=heal-treatment and more like these. Χριστός-[HRISTOS-Christ]Χρι+στός=from anointing-[ano-anoi is up-in sky-in heaven]. Iisus Hristos-Ιησούς Χριστός is Who have the anointing-charisma-[χάρισμα] of treatment and heal of the soul!= σόουλ-σΕλ/El=God=se all=se en/in-[en is in in Greek] El = you are all in God/El=God-Light-White in Greek.

If you say of in English Quantum Gramma+r means as well or means too off! In the big-beginning means εφ-αφ of/of αφ/εφ. Snake in Greek is ofis=όφις=office= of fice or off+ice and from office all the sneaky snake-[snake and sneaky is the same r+oot/ρίζα=is nake-is+naked-is naked as in nature and the i+story of Adam & Eve = Adamantos/A+Damantos(667 numerology in Greek and Damantos 666)=Diamond in Greek the άνθραξ/anthrax/coal in Greek with 6 protons/ 6 electrons 6 neutrons & Eve is Εύα, ευ as ev/εβ means good or eazy to do it by what is as the word is follows means the good beginning. Proton=πρώτον/first, electron is ηλ εκ τρον = il/el from/ek tron=tria/three God of three non material dimension H+olly Trinity = Holly/Whole Trinity/Three, trinity from the Greek tria/τρία/three. Neu+tron=no tron & new tron that is re+new that why in Greek the words κενόν/kenon/blank & καινόν/kenos pronounced as well as voice/kainon/new/neon/νέον are the same means that is no blank and before the re+new the blank of the be+fore older or exist com{e}+ing-ink-in].

Grammar is Γραμματική/Grammatiki. Γράμμα/gramma is letter & letter. Γράφω/write-[ρητώς/ritos ρητόν/riton menas what is been said and what is w+ritten/ρηθέν and what is right in Greek but guess why they put an w in+front as w+rite, w+ritten, queen=kueen=kouin! Οr white=wh is γ/Γ-gems=wh+ite. Γράφω/w+rite/= is scratch, as scratch the stone or the paper=grafo/as graffiti/graphic/write=γράφω/ΓΡΑΦΩ].

Flat is πλάτ/plat. As many Greek words start from p in English motivated from f and the opposite, even in Greek is happening. Plat+os=πλάτος is width, so you start realize the Greek roots in all languages.

Earth is from Aroura/Αρούρα who is in the earth in Greek with mean the under the earth world, soil shapes, that why in Greek is αρουραίος/arouraios/arureos=r+at because is re+sides under the Αρούρα…

Is is from the Greek εις/eis pronounced as is. Means to/to the/προς. The word Israel is Greek means is Ra El = to the King of El/Light and to Ra/Roun/Rain/Run=something is moving all the time out of time, even the word w+ritten/ρήθεν means move/motivate as q+uantum general not only in Grafo/Grammar/Grammatiki.

Eis tin/to=εις την/το=to the be+made as stin/ston by cut the ei/ει in modern Greek. So when we say Istabul-[is ta bul = εις την Mega/Μέγα+Πόλιν] means to the bul/πόλις/polis/police/city/town/police/politic from the root pol+is, as pole, becauce mean center/kenter/kentron/κέντρον of something.

From the time I was a baby I know these. Outside of the church after the Ceremony a Spirit saying in my mind: the God is Language/Γλώσσα means Λόγος/Logos wh+at/Whot Call Iisous Xristos/Jesus Christ His S+el+f. Se=to you or you.

Spirit = eis/εις mean to the & einai=ei+nai=yes indeed/είναι=εί+ναί/ne/nai. As s-[to the = eis/εις]+pir=πυρ/fire=pire-[as I say be+for+e for the f & p changing]+it = in/to the fire it = s+pir+it=spirit mean the same [time] spreach-sow=korao/korani-Quran-Kuran=Kouran.

What you call quantum grammar I always said as a child composition-Synthersizer of language.

Quantum in Greek is Fotodesmomichanics = Light Bundles Mechanics, of the all time continue changing…motivating-[energy mood]… of the Anarchy/Αναρχίας of Metaphysics/Μεταφυσικής.

So many people have w+rong believe that the European languages comes from Latin, but Latin is from Greek. The word Latin is anagramming of the word Italos/Ιταλός son of Odysseus/Οδυσσέας who ended up being called Ulysses. That wh+y the word Italy/Ιταλία.

I can brake every language of Earth turn it buck to the MegaFirstRoot of Greek Language and all ready done it with many words from all over the world, even Chinese, but I have no time and many enemies.

Kindly challenge anyone to restore any language to the original Greek Language. If I have a working group I can return every word to its original origin, payment and root.

We are in the Un+i+vers+e of Greek Language, Never thing that if exist-[ex=εξ/out+ις/εις+τ = ex is extraterrestrial-[έξω από την γήν εις τα άστρα = out of earth in stars/άστρα. Out is again from ex be+fore many centuries. In English the take again and again the same Greek word make it new/νέω/νέα, for example the word yper/uper/υπέρ as s+uper and after as h+yper] people speak Greek and those languages are Greek motivate dimensions of dialects/διαλέκτοι.

Ό Θεός νά ευλογεί όλους μάς! God blessing all of us-[emas/mas=em+as=us]. Happens to me many many miracles. Quantum Grammar is not what the people think is Quantum Grammar!… Quantum Grammar is every+thin+g-thin+k in Ori+ginal Greek Language and wh+at is Ori Ginal Greek Language is not wh+at you know as Ancient Greek these is the semiOriginal-imiOriginal-s+imi=semi=ημί+Γνήσια Ελληνικά/Greek. The secret codes of codes is there/here and waiting for us to wake up, and ready to give these codes!… σοδειές-κώδωνες…. So wh+y you looking to the aliens-[alloi/άλλοι=others αφού=αφ’ ού/after/if/indeed the answers is here, guess wh+y]… Here you now enternal time success!../….

Letter B: After Quantum-[Grammar or else] is No Quantum but is a Quantum as well!…

Panayiotis Dias-Παναγιώτης Δίας

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Ολοι οι Ελληνες πατριωτες επιλεγουν το Ελληνικο κοινωνικο δικτυο ελα μαζι μας γιατι ειναι λογικο πια να μην ειμαστε στους ξενους!!

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