

The eagles have landed.

Two trailblazing lovebirds touched down in the Big Apple last week to start a family — making them the first bald eagles to nest in the city in more than a century.

“We’re thrilled to have bald eagles possibly raising their young in New York City,” said Tod Winston, a spokesman for New York City Audubon.

Bald eagles haven’t nested within the city limits since 1914.

But Vito and ’Merica — the names given to the couple by the birding community — are hoping to change that.

Seth Wollney, a self-described “daily birder,” was one of the few lucky individuals to spot the expectant parents on Staten Island’s South Shore.

The hawk-eyed Staten Island native said they look similar to the other bald eagles he has seen in the area.

“There’s nothing terribly unique about them besides the fact that they’re one of the first ones to attempt nesting within New York City,” said Wollney, 33.

About a week ago, ’Merica, the female of the couple, began displaying signs of incubating the eggs, which typically takes about 35 days.

That timeline means little eaglets will likely arrive in late May.

The nest is on property belonging to the state Department of Environmental Conservation. In order to protect his feathered friends, Winston wouldn’t reveal the nest’s exact location.

“We’ll be watching them and making sure they’re not disturbed,” he said.

The official national bird has made a comeback in the past few decades after the use of DDT helped put it on the endangered list. The pesticide was banned in 1972.

“This is an example of a nationwide and New York state success story for bald eagles,” Winston said.

“It’s also a success story for New York City, because we’ve really cleaned up our water up the Hudson River, and it seems like a lot of wildlife is returning.”

Over the past few years, avian admirers have regularly spotted bald eagles in all five boroughs as many have begun “wintering” in the city.

Last year, two eagles made a practice nest on Staten Island’s North Shore but didn’t stick around through the spring.

“The eagles aren’t really as rare as people conceive them to be,” Wollney said. “You actually might see more than just two in one day.”

Stranger… Ftou kselefteria!


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