
Getting a tattoo is certainly one of the most exciting experiences, but not all people who get tattoos want to have them for the rest of their life. Tattoos are inked on skin on various personal reasons and sometimes, people regret the tattoo they get. It is possible to remove tattoos, but there is no guarantee that your tattoo will be removed completely. The method used to remove tattoos should be chosen based on the type of tattoo, design used, types of inks and colors used. Once the tattoo is removed, you don’t have to carry your burden of getting regrettable tattoo permanently on your skin.

Laser Removal

Many people who like to get a tattoo also learn about the removal methods before even inking their skin. Laser removal method has become synonymous with tattoo removal. High concentrated light is targeted on inked areas and it will break the ink into removable fragments. More laser treatments are required if your tattoo is fresh and dark. Laser treatments obviously damage your skin and if you are too sensitive, you may get blisters and scabs that can lead to scarring later. Modern technology used in laser removal minimizes scarring and reduces pain.

Intense Pulse Light Therapy

Some spas provide intense pulse light therapy to remove tattoo and just like laser therapy, it uses high intensity light. You won’t feel much pain with this method because a gel is applied on tattoo and pulses of light are applied. However, many dermatological experts recommend that you don’t use this method to remove tattoo because it causes more damage to the skin. Moreover, this therapy is expensive and you will be charged per pulse. If you have a larger tattoo with darker colors, you may have to spend thousands of dollars for a single session.

Surgical Removal Method

Surgical tattoo removal is one of the oldest methods to remove tattoos and it involves skin grafting. Tattoos can be permanently removed using this method as skin from other part of the body is fitted over the tattoo to hide it completely. However, this surgical method is found to cause scars and sometimes, the grafted area may be prone to itches and rashes. In the excision method, tattoo is cut away from the skin and sewn back. Not many people prefer surgical methods because they are highly expensive and can cause scars.

Home Removal Methods

If your tattoo is old and you are not ready to succumb to painful and scarring procedures, you can try one of the home removal methods. These methods incorporate application of topical creams and peels that gradually remove tattoos. The effect may not be visible after a single application and you may have to continue the method until the tattoo is barely visible.

Cover-Up Tattoo

While this is not exactly a tattoo removal method, tattoo artists recommend using cover up tattoos if you don’t like your old tattoo, but still have interest in having some ink on your body. Depending on the design already existing on your skin, the artists will draw cover up designs that hide your old designs and give you a whole new look.



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Μια σκέψη στο “Tattoo Removal Methods”
  1. poly endiaferon an kai oxi analytiko.episis yparxoun kai tropoi afairesis me katalyti tou idiou ylikou (xrwmatos )me ton idio tropo tis dermatostiksias kai den aforoun home remedies ..
    i kalyteri lysi einai na skefteis poooly sovara prin kaneis ena tattoo .i monimotita pleon den einai adiamfisvititi mias kai meta to 2005 me tis nees nomothetikes diatakseis sxetika me tin kataskeyi ylikwn ta kathistoyn elafrws mikroteris makroviotitas.milame gia mia sovari apofasi kai analipsi seayton eythyninis/

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