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Letter D: The Definition of Aquantum The word Aquantum & the Definition be-fore the AQUA+NTUM-[AQU+A+NTUM is given-[G-iven=G+even] by me…and I+Hou/Hou/[Hoo;-Ηu;]Whou-[Who-Wh+o] Give It to me.For:-[The Mystery/Μυστήριον]: Definition: Q[Κ]uantum Grammar is not what the people think is Quantum Grammar!…For-[Ford]:Letter B: After Quantum-[Grammar or else] is No Quantum but is a Quantum as well!… is Superquantum-Afterquantum-Superhyperafter Quantum-[Qua+Ntum]…For the Letter Γ: is-[its] is is!….For Letter Δ-[EL TA]=Δ pronounced THE-[EL=ΘΕΟΣ=GOD]+TA=/is the plural for the article the & DELTA IS ΔΕΛΤΑ = Δ ΕΛ/GOD ΤΑ… & ΕΛ is God-Light-Wh+i+te = wou+a+it = wou a eat/it… For Let tter D/Δ: Aquantum is accurately = aqu+rately = aquratelly & is a qua ntum or a quan tum…  Aqua = water = wouot-[t]er/vater/βάσα-[vasa]/βάπτισμα-[vaptisma]=baptism=put you under/anter water=ydro=h+ydro=hydro-[& nero/neron=νερό+ν]=water=voutto=βουττώ=βαπτίζω=βάπτισμα… in Greek…

Ready to Go-άγω-ago with o+mega=ω non with o+micron/small…& double o as one omicron & one omega is οών = egg & a egg as being… & Ο ΩΝ means The Who/Hou make all-[all the maden eggs-ωά in plural] &and eg=pronounced as εκ/ek means From! So eg/ek is coming from, means be made Non exist from be+for the time & time/price in Greek!… And eggs all the beings… by The Unmaden Ever/Never Trinity/Τριάδα=Three from & until/to the Hades/H+ades = Άδης=Χ/Η+άδης and Άδης = Ά+δης-[δης = see]-A+see means No+see=Nosee-[nosi-nosee=means he/she is sick]-Nosos/Sickness & Hell is No See-[In Sickness]… the place you can see=No Light=No God=No Wouait/White-[Who/Wou ait-Hou ait and Hou is How and How is Hou, don’t for+get we are in Aquantum Mathematics/Mathematiks=Μαθηματικά which means in Greek: the way how to/tto leanr as/es the Only way/wouey tto/to learn, got it? And learn is Greek as mathema/mathima=μάθημα means to be innocent = in no cent, got it? In No any/eny/eni/enie/en+ei=έν εί=in is=in no any/eny πάθος/pathos/passion, got it? And/End as/es manthano/manthaino with omega = μανθάνω or μανθαίνω is from manna=μάννα/μάνα=μάδερ=mader=mather in Greek, so the manna from heaver is the in no cent=innocent=No mammon=means food in Greek as/es mamma=mam/mammy=food, say it especialy the infants as/es mamma or amma or ammou-this especialy I eat, I want/wont to eat, this is whot/what all the infants say in ancient Greek dilect-lecture as/es in Cyprus & mammon in Hebrew is money=many as/es normal word many=meny/meni=menue in Greek money as maney is mam+mon & if is double mm means in Greek if you separate the two words is n as/es man+mon or for example common is =con/συν/κοινόν+mon = con+mon is common. So many ammou=food as/es rich life is mammon and is no manna which menas man+na = a man is gining for free/gifts or food giving for free be+cause na in Greek mean take it-for free, thng a-bout man+na = a man is giving-for free/fri]…

Hell is h+ell is h+ill = sick & hill=χιλλές=wrong-penalty-fault-fraut in Greek… Hill as hill in common English is from high… & mountain is from miti/mitti/μύτη = noise & high & tip… all as/es a multichoice & spiritual & material depends as/es meaning of spike!…

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