
This ad named “For the Love of Music” plays frequently on the Australian TV station [V]. It is heavily inspired (but not created) by Marco Brambilla, an artist that is very sought after by advertisers and record labels for his trademark “video tableaux”.  The ad is full of symbols and messages representing the hidden forces that control the music industry.  See for yourself:

CHANNEL [V] – Rebrand TVC 2012 from Where There’s Smoke on Vimeo.
The ad begins literally in hell as the Devil is shown covering his ears due to the great number of musicians down there.

This tableau apparently represents rock & roll. Why is hell full of rockers? Did they sell their soul to the Devil? Among the most recognizable figures are Kurt Cobain and Johnny Cash. This last singer was a devout Christian so it is rather odd to have him play in hell. Also, why is there a crucifix surrounded by fire down there?

The symmetry and the perspective lines conceal occult symbolism. In this following image, we can recognize the Illuminati’s most recognizable symbol.

The lines created by the rock formation above the Devil (highlighted by white lines) form a triangular shape. At the apex of it, a single eye is creepily watching the viewers.

Above the eye is a tableau representing electronic music with DJ’s and legions of dancers underneath them.

The tableau conceals a pyramidal shape (which I highlighted with white lines). At the base are dancers (or the masses) and at the top is an illuminated capstone and a solar eclipse acting as the eye in the pyramid.

The main figures of this tableau are Daft Punk, a duo that often laces it shows with not-so-subtle symbolism.

A pyramid stage at a Daft Punk show. The artists are symbolically over the base (representing the masses) but under the apex (representing the elite).

Right above the Daft Punk (but buried under the ground) is a triangle with Rihanna inside of it.

The triangle is a scene from Rihanna’s video Umbrella.

In my first article ever on Vigilant Citizen, I described the hidden meaning of the video Umbrella. In short, it is about Rihanna agreeing to be “protected” by a hidden entity (the dark forces of the industry) in exchange of her soul. The “triangle” scene was very symbolic.

In esoteric symbolism, the upright triangle is a phallic symbol. Rihanna “trapped” inside this triangle represents her being controlled (possessed) by the hidden forces of the industry. This scene therefore fits right in this very symbolic ad.

Above Rihanna is a tableau representing hip-hop. The scene contains many occult symbols and is laid out in classic Masonic fashion.

Twin pillars, a checkerboard pattern floor and a staircase to “illumination” make this tableau very Masonic.

We find the same layout and symbols in this classic Masonic engravement.

Moving around on the stairs are 2Pac and Biggie, arguably (well, not arguably) the two most important figures of rap history. There is however a figure above them, at the top of the stairs: A huge Kanye West drenched in light. Does this represent Kanye West being “recruited” by the Illuminated while 2Pac and Biggie being stuck on in the staircase? Is this why they are both dead now? Is this why their murders were never resolved? Hmmmm.
Above this tableau is the “heavens”, filled with pop stars such as Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson and Britney Spears – all stars that were (or still are) heavily controlled by the industry.
In short, this ad manages to pack in a minute and 45 seconds an incredible amount of symbolism and hidden messages regarding the music industry and the shady secret society that controls it. If most viewers won’t recognize a single symbol in this ad, those who have “eyes to see” understand that it hides in plain sight some of the industry’s darkest secrets.


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